Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

papa's 60 birthday party!!!

this is a super-duper belated post.. *self slap, sok kesibukan..

ok, this gonna be a long post.. karena preparationnya lamaaaaaaaaaaaa..
Jadiiii we're planning for a surprise birthday party for papa.. all starts from searching the right venue.. fortunately the birthday was on saturday so no need on scheduling the right date.. and anoder gud news is d place we're eyeing is available.. yeay!
after many times check n re-check d place and food test, we decided it was d perfect place..
it was a lovely place with a lovely scenery, they have private boat port.. ini tempatnya, Marina Batavia ...
so, venue, check!

next is invitee.. ini sangat susah karena menyangkut budget.. :))))
next is rundown acaranya seperti apa.. gimana bawa papa kesana tanpa ada curiga, ngumpulin para undangan untuk datang tepat waktu, souvenirnya apaaaaa.. parkirnya arrangement-nya gimanaaaa.. ouw n dessert table; gimana si mama bikin kue jgn smp ketauan papa.. aseli ribeeettt..

dan yang bikin tambah seru n semangat adalah d second surprise.. my big baby brother is coming home!!
jadilah harus atur2 sandiwara pun sama mama.. yup, gak cuma papa yang dpt surprise, mama pun.. :)) *evil laugh ;p

si gendut n mimi arrived D-1 at 9pm.. dan dgn sukacita sukarela jemput dong.. walopun dengan sukacita tapi teteup telat sampenya.. itu turis dah ngomel2 kepanasan.. wkwkwkwkkk...

skip segala kerempongan lainnya, langsung ke cerita seru2nya aja ya..
karena it was all worth it!! it was a success!!
thanks to all invitees; families and papa's friends who made it on time and made the surprise a success!!

pictures aja yaaaa.....

top: brief all the invitees
bottom: pasangan jail ngumpet di ruang khusus

there he is...


dan kami puaaaaassss..

and here comes the 2nd surprise

happy tears... :')

top: the royal picture
bottom: 3rd surprise, the dessert table :)

love love love this day.. it was a success!

happy birthday, Pap.. you deserve even much much more.. :)

we love you..
6A,F,L ^_^


  1. Happy birthday papanya Banana, sehat terus ya Oom...

  2. huaaaa akhirnya masuk juga... btw blog gue udah berubah nama jadiiiiii http://double-af.blogspot.com/ huehehhehehe
    masukin video dong na

  3. wuiiii akhirnyoooo ada post baru lagiii hihihihi..

    uniapii.. pantes link yg lama ga bisa dibuka ternyato pindah yaaa huhuhu, ai follow yaaa yg baru hehehe
