14/11/11, 14months!
*ikut-ikutan euphoria tanggal bagus.. ;p
update on her 14months!
Your toddler is mastering new skills left and right these days, from waving bye-bye to drinking from a cup. But one thing he probably hasn't got to grips with yet is adult table manners. That's OK: it's too early for him to understand or manage this kind of politeness. Eating is a learning experience, and at this age learning tends to be messy. So spread a splash mat under his highchair and set him free; let him learn to use a spoon at his own pace, examine the texture of egg, and find out how far peas can roll.
*pfiuh..ambil lap buat lap keringet n lap makanan berserakan hasil karya tuan putri.. ;p
*ikut-ikutan euphoria tanggal bagus.. ;p
update on her 14months!
- berat: 9.94kg
- gigi: 10.. *lucu dey, 4 gigi depan dibawah, masing2 kanan kiri kosong satu eh tiba2 tumbuh gigi lagi.. knapa gak nyambung ya, knapa longkap satu gitu..
- dah bisa 3-5 langkah tanpa dipegangin.. tapi once dia tau ada yang mo nangkep di depan sana langsyung dey maunya lari.. pun kadang2 suka macam superman terbang ke dalam tangkepan.. -__-
- smakin baweeeelll.. skarang 'nena' dah fasih.. mimi dah ciamik, dudut masih on off.. wkwkwkkk..
- trend terbaru manggil od nya jadi ade, ucu jadi acu.. *_*
- nyanyi pun smakin banyak, balonku- cicak2 di dinding... and a bit here n there lagu2 barney..
- masih alergi, masih belum ditemukan penyebabnya, masih bergantung sama salep dari Dr. Widodo.. :(
- imunisasi kumpilt sudah.. kemarin baru di cuss IPD terakhir.. katanya buldep kembali untuk MMR.. langsung bilang ke opa Prof, nanti aja ya MMR nyaaaa.. semuga di 18bulan suds dikasih sama babanya.. *yeup, babanya yang dilematis soal MMR ini..
- jadi jaiiiilll... why oh why... korban kejailannya tak lain dan tak bukan adalah uni Al nya.. x_x
- bisa galaaaaaaakkk.. bisa ngambeeeeekkk... help!
- makan masih oke.. tapi kalau lagi dirumah, duduk manis di highchair selalu minta sendok n piring sendiri.. belajar ambil makanan pake sendok, begitu susah tangan beraksi.. :))
14 month old, first week
How your toddler's growingYour toddler is mastering new skills left and right these days, from waving bye-bye to drinking from a cup. But one thing he probably hasn't got to grips with yet is adult table manners. That's OK: it's too early for him to understand or manage this kind of politeness. Eating is a learning experience, and at this age learning tends to be messy. So spread a splash mat under his highchair and set him free; let him learn to use a spoon at his own pace, examine the texture of egg, and find out how far peas can roll.
*pfiuh..ambil lap buat lap keringet n lap makanan berserakan hasil karya tuan putri.. ;p
asik main di box sama2.. uni Al nya lagi manis2 senyum, tuan putri jaiiiiiiilll... -__-
the 14th mos angel of mine.. :-*
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