Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, 25 November 2011

she starts to walk...

ok, she's officially not a baby anymore..

she starts to walk.. on her own.. :')

 merambat sana sini..

4 - 8 tiny steps.. :)

and in a blink of eye, she'll have long braided colored hair with a big statement hat..

*red big hat, property of ucu! maaci ucu... ;D

PS. you'll always be my baby, dear.. walopun nti dah bisa lari, manjat, jungkir balik, pake seragam sekolah, pacaran.. eh sutra lha stop right there, gak sanggup ngebayangin pacaran.. *_*


  1. wahahaha, topi Jessienya lucuuu... :))

  2. udah bisa jalannn ?? sipppp nanti kalo dudut sama mimi pulang, ikut belanja sama kita yaaaa... boleeeeeee ??? bunda sama baba kita tinggalin aja jaga rumah yaaaaa Diyaaaa hehehehe

  3. @dudut: Lucu kaan? kalau mau tau asal usul topinya liat aja blogku *promosiblog-_-

  4. Mimi: bener yaaaa, janji yaaa.. kan kutagih!!!
    emaknya malah kesenengan.. *eh ;p

  5. selamaaaaaatttt. another milestone :*
    cepat pintar ya Aydira sayaaang
